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Op. Dr. Şükrü İşler
Nose aesthetics are aesthetic operations performed to correct deformities in the nose and to treat problems such as nasal concha. These surgeries, which are applied because they are necessary for health and appearance, are performed in two ways as closed and open. While the recovery period of the patients is shorter in the closed surgery technique, the recovery period after the open surgery is slightly longer. After rhinoplasty performed with both methods, there are some rules that patients should pay attention to and apply. If these rules are applied, the healing process accelerates and the success rate of the aesthetic operation increases.
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Patients undergo rhinoplasty under general anesthesia. Therefore, patients need to stay in the hospital for 1-2 days. Patients should be fed with liquid and soft foods for the first few days. It is considered normal for patients to have bruises in the eye and the area under it. These bruises will go away in a few days. If deemed appropriate by your doctor, cold ice therapy can be applied to reduce bruising and edema. Let’s explain in detail what can happen after rhinoplasty;
It is considered normal to experience pain for about a week after the surgery. To alleviate these pains, your doctor will advise you to use painkillers. Pain may also occur if patients stand for a long time after surgery. For this reason, you need to rest for a week and sleep with your head elevated. Patients should be careful not to get blows from the nose so that they do not experience more pain. Ice and cream treatment can be applied to relieve pain and swelling.
After the operation, you should take medicine regularly for a week as recommended and prescribed by the doctor. These drugs are painkillers to reduce pain, antibiotics to prevent infection and, if necessary, antihistamine drugs to prevent allergic conditions.
For the first few days after the surgery, nutrition should be done with liquid and soft foods. The purpose of this is to ensure that oral foods do not affect the nose while chewing. Patients can consume solid and liquid foods together at the end of a week.
After rhinoplasty, silicone pads and splints and protective tape are placed inside the noses of the patients. The silicone pad is usually removed on the 2nd day. In order to remove the splints and tape, the patients should go to the doctor's control one week later. It will take up to 6 months for patients to recover after this surgery. In order for the recovery period to be fast and to avoid any complications in the nose, the doctor's controls should not be interrupted.
What should be done after rhinoplasty or the rules that patients should follow can be listed as follows;
• After this surgery, patients should rest for a week. You have to wait about a week to return to normal life and do daily work.
• Patients can start working in the 2nd week if they are working in a normal and non-strenuous job. Those who work in heavy jobs must wait 3 weeks to return to work life.
• Light walks, light exercises and non-strenuous sports can be started after a week, but it is necessary to wait at least one month before doing sports such as swimming, pilates and fitness.
• Patients are able to travel 10 days after surgery. It is not recommended to travel by car or plane before 10 days.
• Patients can take a bath one week after the operation.
• Glasses should not be used for a month after the operation.
• It is recommended that patients wear a protective hat for one month to protect themselves from the sun's rays.