Facial Aesthetics
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Op. Dr. Şükrü İşler
The neck structure, which continues from the tight and young-looking jaw line to the chest, is one of the visual factors that women need most. When the age factor and the effect of gravity combine, an area with soft skin, such as the neck, begins to loosen and sag. Although you do the care by using the right cosmetic creams, this sagging cannot be prevented. Not only the age factor, but also the genetic factor and frequent weight gain and loss cause neck sagging. The sagging and loosening seen in the neck area also cause deterioration of facial aesthetics. Deformations increase with age. Thanks to neck and chin operations combined with today’s technology, you no longer have to live with this look. In neck aesthetics, excess fat and skin are removed and sagging and looseness are eliminated.
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Neck lift surgery is suitable for individuals where aging in the neck region shows the person beyond their age. It is preferred that the candidates for neck lift aesthetics are healthy, non-smoker, and have realistic expectations. People who are considering a facelift and also have neck sagging, neck wrinkles and jowl problems should consider neck lift surgery during facelift surgery. Otherwise, a young face/old neck picture emerges, which is one of the clues that the face has undergone surgery.
By using the incisions in front of the ear and behind the ear of the facelift surgery, the neck is reached from the side to the midline. The neck skin is separated from the platysma muscle. Looseness in the platysma muscle is tightened with suturing techniques. Afterwards, the neck skin is stretched to the side and the excess skin is removed from behind the ear. This surgical technique is an effective way to get rid of excess skin on the neck and sagging neck skin. Since this technique can only be done by facelift, patients with excess skin on the neck need to decide very well whether they want a neck lift during facelift surgery.
Neck lift surgery is performed in a similar way to classical face lift surgery. The surgical incision is made from the back of the ear towards the scalp. The neck skin and muscles are separated and fixed by stretching the skin. The process is completed by cutting and discarding the excesses on the fixed skin.
Neck lift surgery takes approximately 2 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. Since the incision site will remain under the scalp after the application, no visible scars are left.
Wrinkles disappear after the application, a tight neck with no sagging and a chin structure with prominent corners appear.
Neck lift combined with liposuction is performed under general anesthesia or sedation. Fat accumulated in the neck area is pulled out with the help of thin cannulas. It is very difficult to lose weight from the neck area with classical methods. Liposuction method is recommended for people who want to slim down from this area. If the patient has severe sagging, a neck suspension can be made with tiny incisions made behind the ear. With the suspension method, the skin is lifted up. Thread neck lift aesthetics is performed under local anesthesia and takes an average of 30 minutes.
If the patient's skin elasticity is not strong, neck lift aesthetics is recommended. Neck lift aesthetics lasts between 2-3 hours under general anesthesia. You will need to use a bandage for 5 days after this surgery.
During the preparation process for neck lift surgery, you should inform your doctor about your medical history, allergies, smoking and drug use. Complications of this surgery increase in patients who smoke. Neck lift aesthetic surgery is performed under general anesthesia. After neck rejuvenation surgeries, we usually use a drain that evacuates the blood and fluid accumulation in the surgery area. Corsets that allow the skin to heal in accordance with the new neck contour can be used after neck lift surgery. Drains are taken between 2-3 days. Swelling and bruising are expected after neck aesthetics, and within 7-10 days, the bruises will decrease to a level that you can return to social life. After the neck lift surgery, it is possible to return to social activities after 2-3 weeks of rest.
• After this surgery, patients should rest for a week. You have to wait about a week to return to normal life and do daily work.
• Patients can start working after 2 weeks if they are working in a normal and non-strenuous job. Those who work in heavy jobs must wait 3 weeks to return to work life.
• Light walks, light exercises and non-strenuous sports can be started after a week. However, it is necessary to wait at least one month before doing sports such as swimming, pilates and fitness.
• Patients are able to travel 10 days after surgery.
• Patients can take a bath one week after the operation.