Nicht-chirurgische Ästhetik

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Op. Dr. Şükrü İşler

Nicht-chirurgische Ästhetik

The biggest feature that distinguishes non-surgical aesthetic procedures from other plastic surgery procedures is; There are no surgical procedures and even local anesthesia is not used in most non-surgical aesthetic procedures. Facial botox, filling, mesotherapy and prp are the most demanded procedures.

Each individual has different characteristics and skin structure. For this reason, before deciding on the most suitable aesthetic procedures for your skin, by meeting with our specialist physicians; Together you can decide on the most ideal treatment for you.

Most aesthetic surgery applications are operations performed for cosmetic purposes. But even if there are procedures for aesthetic purposes; there may also be a real medical purpose behind it. In this case, it is possible to eliminate all risks that may occur and to fully comply with the recommendations of doctors who are experts in their field.



Nicht-chirurgisches Facelifting


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