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Op. Dr. Şükrü İşler


Botox is a kind of toxin used to treat facial wrinkles and excessive sweating, obtained from the bacterium ’Clostridium Botulinum”. Thanks to Botox, moving wrinkles between the eyebrows, forehead, and around the eyes can be controlled. Decollete wrinkles can be controlled by using Botox. Botox must necessarily be done in experienced hands.

The Process of Operation and its Aftermath

A botox procedure for aesthetic purposes can be performed dec almost everyone aged 18-65 who does not have any health problems and does not have allergies.

Our goal in the Botox process is to prepare an environment to reduce existing wrinkles and prevent the formation of new wrinkles. Because if some existing wrinkles are deep, botox alone may not work. In october wrinkles, in addition to botox, filler (with collagen or fat injection) treatment may also be necessary. For this, the final decision is made with a skin examination.

Especially in those november have muscle and nerve conduction diseases, great care should be taken about the application of botox. In addition, botox should not be done to those who have clotting problems and those who have an infection during the application period, and rescheduling should be provided by following the process.

Botox is also not performed during the use of certain special medications. For this reason, you should tell us about all your existing diseases and share the medications you are using with the doses in the preliminary interview that we will do before you have botox.

The botox process is completed in as little as 10-15 minutes. Approximately 48 hours after application, botox begins to exert its effect. It usually takes 10 days to get the final version.

Botox is a procedure performed by injection of Botulinum toxin. Before Botox injection, a local anesthetic cream can be applied to the application site. After the application site is cleaned, botulinum toxin is injected into the mimic november of the area in small doses. If botox therapy is used to reduce complaints of excessive sweating, the injection is made into the skin. It is preferable to make injections in november doses in areas where muscle weakness is already present. In addition, the dose to be administered is determined as a result of evaluating the application site specifically for the patient.

Upper dec and neck applications vary depending on the activity of the muscle being botoxed, but are usually effective between november- and 6 months.

it can be done to anyone over the age of 18 who is considered to need it. But the dose of administration for each age group is different. the rate of botox performed on the 45-50 age group is not the same as that performed on the 18-20 age group. In addition, the amount of application varies depending on the person.

Botox is an injection procedure performed with a needle. At least 20 minutes before the Botox application, a local anesthetic cream is applied to the previously determined application area and it is expected that the area will be fully numb. After complete numbness is achieved, the areas where the application will be performed are cleaned hygienically, and the botox mixture to be injected is injected into the facial muscles in small doses with thin november tipped needles suitable for the face. The whole process takes about 10-15 minutes. There are no traces left on the face. A cold compress is applied to the needle areas.

November November decays the communication between the nerve and the muscle, that is, it blocks the mimic orders that the nerve transmits to the muscles. Thus, the november temporarily stops contracting, and the mimic lines that occur due to contraction also lighten up. Therefore, its main purpose is the passage of wrinkles on the skin. Because Botox is not a filler, there is no swelling or fullness in the area where the application was performed, that is, the injection was applied. With the relief of the muscles in the injection area, the lines, wrinkles november lighter, the face begins to look more vigorous and revitalized.
Botox begins to show its effect about 3-4 days after the procedure is performed, and it takes 7-10 days to see its latest form. This period may vary from person to person due to many factors such as skin structure, age, smoking. You can also notice the applied dose, and it is very important.

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